Monday, April 2, 2012

Sustainability I

by: Angelyne
Image by: Jakub Krechowicz

Sustainability is the watchword now, but what is Sustainability? 
It is the word to designate a number of practices to enhance our relationship with nature aiming at its preservation.
It is an extensive subject matter which we will return to in future posts.

During millennia the man unconcernedly explored the resources from Earth as if they were infinite. Multiplied and spread all over the planet like a plague. Cut down forests, decimated species, built metropolis, polluted the environment, channeled rivers, built dams, dug huge mines, modifying forever the geography of his surroundings.

With his immoderate growth and his unpaired voracity he went exhausting the riches of the planet, imperiling his own subsistence. Our planet is not indeed endangered, it will still be here for long after we had ceased to exist. We ourselves are actually who are in danger due to our attitudes.

The existence of the Earth elapses across millions of years while ours only within mere decades, but in so little time, we were capable of such a damage! Becoming aware of our destructive power we realize that we ought to try and revert this situation. But how?  

To put the principles of sustainability into practice there must be a collective endeavor so that concrete results can be achieved. Starting from home, each of us must do its part, saving energy and water, recycling whatever possible, caring properly of non-reusable waste.

In business, adopting practices that aim not only at profit, but also at the respect towards environmental and social factors.

The attitude of the government leaders should also be in tune with the sustainability practices, investing and stimulating the environmental protection.

(cont. next Wednesday)                                                                    

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