Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Apple – the unforbidden fruit!

by: Angelyne

The apple is the fruit of the apple tree which belongs to the “Rosaceae” family, gender “Malus”.

Nutritional information: composed of 85.5% water, 0.5% proteins, 14% carbohydrates, contains the vitamins B1, B2 and Niacin, besides mineral salts, rich in quercetin, a promising substance that helps to prevent the formation of blood clots which can cause stroke. The apple is also a source of vitamin C that reinforces the immunologic system, aiding in healing and in the combat to aging. Purifies the organism as a whole.

Image by: khaki
Additional information: the apple is a natural cleanser and detoxicator. It is especially indicated to diabetes, obesity, stomach acidity, diarrhea, convalescence and favors the secretions of digestive system. It has beneficial effects to the heart due to its high percentage of potassium and by the presence of pectin, which avoids the deposition of fat in the arterial wall, preventing the arteriosclerosis. It can be used as a natural laxative since it helps in the elimination of feces. During digestion it absorbs the water, and the high percentage of potassium contained in its pulp releases the exceeding sodium, eliminating the excess of water retained in the body, preventing the feces from becoming dried and causing constipation. Its consumption helps to prevent and maintain the cholesterol rates within acceptable levels, being recommended a daily ingestion of one unit with its peel, because that effect is due to the high level of pectin contained in the peel. The apple is a good helper in the process of weight reduction since the pectin hampers the absorption of fat and glucose, and eliminates the cholesterol. It eliminates the toxins and dissolves the uric acid, preventing digestive cancer, avoiding allergies, dissolving kidneys and gallbladder stones. It combats arthritis, gout, rheumatism and sciatica. Being a natural tranquilizer it procures a relaxing sleep. Its dried peel is used in teas to purify the blood and as a diuretic. The apple also has the property of cleaning the teeth, invigorating the gums and its acids help on the digestion of fat food. When you are not able to brush your teeth after a meal, eat an apple!
For a better profit from its vitamins, the ideal is to consume it in natura without peeling, because it is in its peel that the majority of the vitamins and mineral salts are located.

Recipe: Apples with honey, almonds and Brazil nuts*
3 apples
Honey to taste
Almonds, toasted and chopped
Brazil nuts, chopped
3 cinnamon sticks
Directions: Wash well the apples and get rid of cores with the help of a knife. Put them in a baking dish. Place a cinnamon stick inside the resulting hole and add the honey, almonds and Brazil nuts to taste. Pour more honey over them and take to pre-heated oven at 180ºC. Let bake for approximately 30 minutes or until the peel cracks. During the baking, add a small cup of water and then irrigate the apples with the resulting syrup. When the apples caramelize, remove from oven, let dry and serve cold.
They can also be served with vanilla ice cream.

* If Brazil nuts are not available on your end you can replace them by walnuts.

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