Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Reincarnation: to believe in it is an option

by: Angelyne

Image by: Creativity103

We do not know for sure where do we come from and where we are going to.
The fear of the unknown incites the idealization of justifications that enable its acceptance. From such idealization beliefs, deities, sects and religions come about. Thus, since his origin the man attributes to deities the phenomena to which he has not any logical explanation.

Each religion has its own interpretation for the phenomena of life and death. Some believe that life is a gift from God and that the death is the end of everything. Others believe that the death is a transition to a happy eternal life or to the eternal expiation of all sins. Yet others believe that the death leads to an intermediate state while the soul waits for a new life: a reincarnation. On one point all religions come together: what determine man's subsequent fate are his own life choices. If he acted righteously he will be rewarded, if he acted against the precepts he will be punished.

No matter what the explanations are, what really counts is that they must be capable to subside the anxiety generated by doubts.

How to decide which of those beliefs inspires more security and less anxiety?
Let us consider: a belief is a choice that we do intending to dissolve our doubts and therefore having our anxiety under control. If we opt to believe in death as being the end of everything, or in the eternal expiation of our sins, we will be accepting a cruel and partial fate that does not allow us any opportunity to correct our errors.
Why do some people lead a calm and happy life whereas others undergo terrible diseases and deprivations? Why do some people are so good and charitable while others are so cruel and malevolent? Is it fair that such deep differences start and end just here within this short life?

If we observe nature we will see that everything goes through successive transformations. If God allows this evolution to nature why would He deny it to man, who is part of it as well? Why not to believe that the man can equally go through transformations so as to attain to other evolutional stages?

If we believe in a perfect Creator God, Almighty, we cannot believe He is cruel and partial; He has to be sage, good and fair! So, to believe that He will give us the opportunity to redeem our sins, changing our behavior, correcting our faults seems to be the most sensible attitude. The one who was stricken with suffering and pain will be able to experience peace and well-being; the one who inflicted suffering and pain will be able to endure them himself and repent. The one who was good and charitable will be able to gain more advanced stages in the evolutional scale. 

This is what reincarnation is. To believe in it is an option, justified by the possibility that God might grant us to start over. The reincarnation could be the answer capable to clarify our doubts and appease our anxiety towards the unknown future.

Think about it!

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